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Cllr Zadrozny in Kirkby

Town Centre and Train Station Plans out for Public Consultation

Ashfield District Council is seeking public feedback on proposed new plans for Kirkby Town Centre and local train stations.

Public consultation on these 2 documents was held in March 2020 but was paused due to the pandemic. This consultation extends the opportunity for local residents and organisations to give their views. Responses to the survey will be added to those from the March consultation.

The Kirkby Town Centre Masterplan details opportunities for future investment and development in the town. In particular it:

  • Provides a consensus and common understanding of Kirkby Town Centre as a place - its character and identity.
  • Establishes a clear vision for Kirkby Town Centre to guide its development and improvements to 2030.
  • Provides clear design principles for subsequent new development/projects with an emphasis on sustainability.
  • Identifies sites and buildings where redevelopment and improvements will be encouraged.
  • Aims to improve links to and within the Town Centre for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.
  • Sets out how developments/projects and initiatives could be delivered, who would be involved in delivery, how they might be funded and by what mechanism.
  • Provides an evidence base for the emerging Local Plan.
Councillor Jason Zadrozny, Leader of Ashfield District Council said: “Our town centres provide much-valued functions, such as being a focal point for local communities, a centre for economic activity and job creation, transport hubs, spaces for leisure and, increasingly, places to live. 
“It is vitally important for us to promote and support the role of our town centres by taking a positive approach to their growth, management and adaptation. The Kirkby Town Centre Spatial Masterplan will be a key document in ensuring we fulfil our aspirations."

The Council is also seeking public feedback on exciting plans to reopen the disused Maid Marian Line.

The plans will allow the Kirkby and Sutton Parkway stations to benefit from the proposals which would see the line open to passenger trains.

As part of the plans, the two stations could receive significant upgrades, which would include improving accessibility. It is proposed that the railway line could link with the HS2 station at Toton, meaning travellers in Kirkby and Sutton could easily access the high speed route. The Station Masterplan in particular:

  • Shows how the potential improvements in and around the stations could be capitalised on to create enhanced places and better connectivity for local residents
  • Considers the sense of arrival at each of the station and identify sites for development around the stations, along with opportunities for public realm improvements
  • Provides a framework for future private and public investment in the areas around the stations.
Councillor Matthew Relf, Portfolio Holder for Place, Planning and Regeneration said: “Re-opening the mineral line to passenger trains is very easy, costing a relatively modest but delivering significant economic benefits.  Improving the stations and their surrounding areas will help bring more people into Sutton and Kirkby, helping support local businesses and retailers.
“It is vitally important for the Council to support all of our town centres and our transport links by taking a positive approach to their improvement. We hope to see as much public feedback as possible during this consultation period.”

The public consultation on the plans will be open until 5.00pm Monday 2 November 2020. 

The Forward Planning Team are happy to provide further information or assistance if required on telephone number 01623 457382 / 457383 or via email at