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Hundreds have their say on plans to wider anti-social behaviour powers

Almost 400 Ashfield residents responded to a call asking for their opinion on plans to wider powers aimed at curbing anti-social behaviour across the District.

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Community Protection Officers in hi-vis vests
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Kirkby Leisure Centre

Are you a voice for Ashfield?

Would you like to be a voice for Ashfield, having your say on decisions we make? We’re working hard to make the area an excellent place to live, work and visit.

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99 year old ex-paratrooper John Fejfer meets Walter Nazar, 97, who fought in the Second World War

Remembering D Day 80 years on

A service of commemoration to remember the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings saw two local Second World War veterans meet for the first time.

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Cllr Grounds with members of Mansfield and Ashfield Branch of the Merchant Navy Association

Chairman's thanks after year in office

Outgoing Ashfield District Council Chairman, Cllr Dale Grounds, has thanked all those who supported his charitable causes during his year in office.

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Bags of waste illegally dumped in an Ashfield street

Warning to fly-tippers

Positive action to tackle fly-tipping, littering other environmental crime continues to be taken by Ashfield District Council.

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