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Duty to refer

Certain public bodies have a duty to refer to us anyone they believe is homeless or likely to become homeless within the next 56 days.

Public bodies can make a referral via the HousingJigsaw website:

Make a referral

If you are not working as part of a public body but have seen someone sleeping rough you can let us know here:

Report rough sleeping

Which public bodies have a duty to refer

These public bodies have a duty to refer anyone homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to us:

  • prisons
  • youth offender institutions
  • secure training centres
  • secure colleges
  • youth offending teams
  • probation services (including community rehabilitation companies)
  • Job Centre Plus
  • social service authorities
  • emergency health departments
  • regent health treatment centres
  • hospitals in their function of providing inpatient care
  • the Secretary of State for defence in relation to members of the regular forces (Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and Royal Air Force).

The organisation must have consent from the person at risk to make the referral and for their contact details to be shared so we can contact them.