Organisational structure
As well as our councillors we have officers to carry out the work of the council and deliver services. We're organised into departments with responsibility for different groups of services.
Chief executive and our departments
Our chief executive is Theresa Hodgkinson.
There are 4 directorates for:
- governance
- transformation
- place
- operations.
You can find a senior manager organisational chart in the related documents section of this web page.
Our Executive Director of governance is Ruth Dennis, who is also the monitoring officer.
Within this directorate are teams with responsibility for:
- Legal
- Democracy
- Corporate health and safety
- Audit (shared resource)
- Human resources and payroll (shared service).
Our Executive Director of transformation is Craig Bonar.
Within this directorate are teams with responsibility for:
- corporate resources and Section 151
- customer experience
- digital
- policy and performance
- revenues and benefits.
Our Executive Director of place is John Bennett.
Within this directorate are teams with responsibility for:
- planning
- regeneration
- strategic housing.
Our Executive Director of operations post is vacant.
Within this directorate are teams with responsibility for:
- assets
- housing management
- housing operations
- neighbourhoods.