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The Government wants to enable more people to build or commission their own home. To help realise this, we are required to have a register so they can understand local demand for this type of housing.
Ashfield, Mansfield and Newark and Sherwood District Councils keep a shared register of individuals and community groups (associations of individuals), who want to acquire land for self build and custom build homes within any of their Districts.
In turn this will help inform future policies and projects to help bring forward custom and self-build development.
A self build is where someone directly organises the design and construction of their new home.
This covers quite a wide range of projects. The most obvious example is a traditional DIY self build home, where the self-builder selects the design they want and then does much of the actual construction work themselves.
Self build also includes projects where the self builder arranges for an architect or contractor to build their home for them.
Custom build homes tend to be those where you work with a specialist developer to help deliver your own home.
These companies can provide you with everything from securing or providing a site in the first place, through to managing the construction work and even arranging the finance for you.
The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 places a duty on local authorities to keep and publicise a register of individuals and community groups (associations of individuals) locally, who want to acquire land for self build and custom built homes, and to have regard to these registers in carrying out the following functions:
You do not need to be on the register to carry out a self build or custom build project. The register helps us to find out more about the demand for self and custom build plots within the District and consider future requirements for self build/custom build.
Being on the register does not mean that we are obliged to find you a site for your project or that a suitable plot will be identified or will become available through the Council.
There are several websites that can help you to find a suitable parcel of land. The Self Build Portal operated by the National Custom & Self Build Association (NaCSBA) also has useful advice for anyone wanting to build their own home.
You can register your self build or custom build with us online. It should take less than 10 minutes.
You will need the names and details of the people involved and the details of the build itself.
Individuals who wish to build in Ashfield are encouraged to apply for pre-application advice on the likelihood of obtaining planning permission:
Register your self build or custom build
If you have any questions or you can't register your build online you can contact us by:
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