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Known worldwide as the burial place of the poet Lord Byron, the church overlooks the market place in Hucknall.
A church has stood on this site from Saxon times, with foundations found under the nave in the 1930s. The tower was constructed in stages between the 12th and 14th Century with the porch being built in 1320. The remainder of the building is the result of extensive renovation, which began in 1872.
The church possesses the largest collection of stained glass windows by the artist C. E. Kemp, the most revered of Victorian Stained Glass Window artists, as well as some rare wall paintings. Within the church yard is a memorial garden to Byron.
Ben Caunt, the Victorian Prize Fighter, is also buried here; it is believed that the Westminster bell ‘Big Ben’ is named after him.
The Byron family vault includes the bodies of the poet and his daughter Ada Lovelace who is hailed as the world’s first computer programmer. Adjacent to the church is a statue of Byron located in a niche, high above street level, in the wall of the old Co-op building.
The church has a ring of eight bells installed in 1958 and a 14th century Angelus bell. The clock dates from 1882.
Thousands of visitors come to the church each year, which is open six days a week. Entry is free but donations are welcome. You can find out about nearby parking on the Hucknall car parking page.
South Street
NG15 7BS
Use the contact form on the parish church website or individual church team members email and phone numbers
Monday to Saturday: 10am to 12 noon and 2pm to 4pm. Check the church website for details of service times
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